Thomas Sinden is pleased to announce the successful completion of the New City College – SEN project, which involved converting an existing ground floor science block into a Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Centre.

The project saw the conversion of the ground floor science block into a dedicated SEN Centre, providing a supportive learning environment for students with diverse needs. Thomas Sinden successfully met the project’s objectives and made cost-effective but high-quality enhancements to the new reception and sensory room, exceeding the client’s expectations.

Challenges and Solutions: In just six weeks, Thomas Sinden faced tight deadlines and complex design and procurement demands. Through adaptability and quick decision-making, we ensured the project stayed on track without compromising quality.

Thomas Sinden worked closely with New City College and Employers Agents Stace, contributing to the successful delivery of the project. Together, we have successfully delivered a facility that enhances the educational experience for students with unique needs.