Fenwick Place Update

Piling complete at Fenwick Place, North Clapham, despite the discovery of 4 Victorian wells!

Works are now in full swing delivering 27 new apartments for London Borough of Lambeth.

Our team have had to work closely with LB Lambeth to overcome numerous challenges thrown up by conditions discovered during the works. We have:

– removed ground contamination and obstructions
– re-designed the location for a new HV substation, and obtained amended planning approval
– re-designed foundations around four Victorian wells
– safely managed the interface with an unstable adjoining owners’ building, which involved changing our site setup location and implementing exclusion zones
– worked around and assisted with moving Virgin Media infrastructure in the building footprint
– assisted the Employer’s team to put in place 12 party wall awards

Despite these challenges our team have successfully completed the piling and are making good progress with the groundworks. Well done team!