BIM Training for Project Teams and Senior Managers

In recognition of the UK Government mandate that Level 2 BIM must be used on all centrally funded projects Thomas Sinden have completed a roll out of training to project teams and senior managers to equip them to deliver projects to a BIM Level 2 standard.

The programme was designed and delivered using in-house expertise, and was designed to bring delegates with no prior knowledge of BIM to the point of having a good understanding of the drivers for BIM adoption, potential benefits, key terminology and processes required under the BS1192:2007 standard, technology solutions that support BIM, and some of the challenges that BIM presents.

Whilst the Government outlined their objective of requiring BIM Level 2 back in 2011 many in the industry have been reluctant to embrace BIM.  At Thomas Sinden we see BIM as an opportunity and a differentiator for our business.  

Thomas Sinden are currently delivering the East Sheen Primary School project to BIM Level 2.